2023/07/13 佐野研究室 D2 Sewwandi Bandaraさん,The WET Excellent Presentation Award 受賞
WET Excellent Presentation Award (WET Swing Award) are given to outstanding presentations at WET Conference hosted by Japan Society for Water Environment.
- 受賞題目
- Identification of environmental, socio-economic, water, sanitation, and hygiene determinants associated with COVID-19 transmissions in the Philippines
- 受賞者
- Sewwandi Bandara
- 連名
- Clyde Dapat, Mayuko Saito, Wakana Oishi, Daisuke Sano
- 受賞名
- The WET Excellent Presentation Award
- 学会名
- The Water and Environment Technology Conference 2023(WET)
- 受賞日
- 2023年07月09日
- 研究室HP
- 水資源システム学分野 佐野研究室