


Doing Industrial Ecology using Input-Output Analysis: A Crush Course


講演者:中村 愼一郎 名誉教授

今回のコロキウム環境は、早稲田大学政治経済学術院 名誉教授 中村愼一郎先生 をお招きし、産業エコロジー分野における産業連関分析の基礎と応用について、2部構成でご講演いただきます。
This lecture aims to provide foundational skills in economic Input-Output analysis (IO) for conducting effective and current research in Industrial Ecology (IE). It is structured into two parts: Part 1 and Part 2.

2024/05/20(月)13:00-16:30 ※休憩あり
環境科学研究科 本館 3F 大会議室
※ 対面のみ。オンライン配信は行いません。
Doing Industrial Ecology using Input-Output Analysis: A Crush Course
早稲田大学政治経済学術院 名誉教授 中村愼一郎
Emer.Prof.Dr. Shinichiro Nakamura, Professor Emeritus,
Faculty of Political Science & Economics, Waseda University
Part 1 deals with the basics of IE and IO and covers the following topics.
We start by discussing the key features and importance of Industrial Ecology (IE). We use a simple diagram by Herman Daly (1968) that illustrates the relationship between the natural ecosphere and the anthropogenic technosphere, updated with recent planetary-scale human impact data. The fundamental concept in IE involves processes depicted as flows of inputs and outputs, which are crucial for a comprehensive, system-wide representation of an economy. We then provide real-world examples of these processes and examine their environmental implications.

Next, we introduce a basic Input-Output (IO) model where processes are represented by a simple linearly model. We also delve into key mathematical aspects, such as the Hawkins-Simon conditions. Moving forward, we explore environmentally-extended IO (EEIO) by introducing the concept of an "intervention matrix," which captures environmentally relevant factors generated per unit of production activity. We use data from the 3EID dataset by NIES to illustrate the intervention matrix.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a significant component of IE where EEIO is applied. After laying the groundwork of LCA, we demonstrate how EEIO can facilitate LCA, including its application to Scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions. Additionally, we discuss the current state and limitations of IO in representing capital formation, exploring alternative approaches to address this challenge. We will also cover the expansion of EEIO to a multi-regional framework and discuss the latest developments in MRIO (Multi-Regional Input-Output) databases.

Part 2 covers IO-based LCA applied to renewable power technologies and electric vehicles (EV), along with Waste Input-Output (WIO) analysis, and Material Flow Analysis (MFA).
We start by discussing key features of various power technologies, focusing on renewable energy sources. Next, we examine EEIO-based LCA studies centered around renewables and electric vehicles (EVs). Despite EEIO's widespread use in LCA, it often falls short in addressing waste impacts adequately, mainly due to a lack of explicit consideration of waste flows, treatment, transformation, and recycling in physical terms. We introduce the basics of Waste Input-Output (WIO) tables and models, which were developed to enhance waste-related considerations within EEIO models. We showcase examples of WIO-based studies, demonstrating its application, such as analyzing the waste footprint of products. We also discuss the inherently non-linear characteristics of waste treatment processes, like incineration, and explore potential methods for integrating these processes into WIO models.
Moving forward, we explore Material Flow Analysis (MFA), a major topic in Industrial Ecology (IE) alongside LCA. MFA focuses on identifying the sources and destinations of materials and substances within a system. Despite their close relationship, there has historically been limited integration between MFA and IO. However, the development of the WIO-MFA methodology has significantly improved this situation by providing a cost-effective approach to converting monetary IO tables (MIOT) into physical IO tables (PIOT) based on materials. We highlight applications and recent extensions of the WIO-MFA model. Additionally, we discuss dynamic extensions of MFA, such as the MaTrace model, designed to track specific cohorts of materials and products over time, particularly in open-loop recycling systems.
Finally, we conclude our discussion by exploring remaining topics in LCA, such as social LCA, life-cycle costing, and responsibility sharing.

My recent book A Practical Guide to Industrial Ecology by Input-Output Analysis, Springer, 2023, will be used as the textbook.



環境科学研究科 教授 資源戦略研究センター長 松八重一代


022-752-2265  naoko.sampei.e1*tohoku.ac.jp(*を@に置き換えてください)