In addition to the enrollment of the regular courses, the Graduate School of Environmental Studies provides two international programs for international students.
International Environmental Security Leadership Program (IESLP)
The International Environmental Security Leadership Program (henceforth referred to as "IESLP") at Tohoku University Graduate School of Environmental Studies provides a trans-disciplinary education, combining the humanities and sciences with instructors from the Department of Environmental Studies for Advanced Society and the Department of Frontier Sciences for Advanced Environment. It is through this context that the program educates both Japanese and foreign exchange students side by side, making use of maximized synergy among participants from multiple countries and placing high emphasis on specialized research in environmental fields. IESLP fosters a comprehensive way of thinking that is crucial for international environmental leaders. The program seeks to equip students with a sense of internationalism, practical know-how, management capability, and the individual leadership and group-minded orientations inherent in strategic planning.
Admission 2025 to IESLP
Pre-application (online): September 17 - October 18, 2024
Application (online): October 21- November 15, 2024
Screening and examination: in between early December and mid December 2024
Notification period: no later than mid January 2025
For more detail
International Post-Graduate Program in Human Security

Understanding Human Security
In the post-Cold War era a new concept of “Human Security” focusing on the protection of human lives against pestilence, poverty, environmental destruction, climate change and dispute, has attracted considerable attention in place of the conventional idea of “Nation Security”, which focuses on armaments. Following this present trend, the Japanese government is moving toward the incorporation of this new concept of “Human Security” as the central basis for international cooperation. Especially in developing countries, with its cultural diversity and varied levels of economic development, many people have spent their lives in danger against a background of poverty, disasters, poor environmental hygiene, malnutrition, and social unrest including active disdain for human dignity. In addition, international epidemics such as HIV/AIDS, SARS, and Covid-19, environmental and food pollution, terrorism and drug trafficking jeopardize human security across borders.
Intellectual Contribution to the World
The “human insecurity” of the 21st century is caused by a very wide range of factors. Therefore, to solve the above-mentioned problems both in theory and practice,
those in leadership positions must have obtained multiple perspectives beyond the conventional academic disciplines and for methodologies to be in place that incorporate interdisciplinary skills and knowledge.
Tohoku University started the International Post-Graduate Program in Human Security in April 2005, by linking the Graduate School of Agricultural Science, the Graduate School of Medicine,
the Graduate School of International Culture (-2017) and the Graduate School of Environmental Studies.
This program aims at making intellectual contributions to the realization of Human Security throughout the world.
The Human Security program is currently composed of 4 programs, “Food & Agriculture for Human Security”, “Public Health Sciences for Human Security”,
“Human Security and Environment”, and “Human Security and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)”.
Each graduate school provides curricula designed to develop an understanding of the intricate structure of various problems related to the areas of Food, Health, Environment, DRR, and Regional Community.
Training of Experts, Researchers and Thinkers
The International Post-Graduate Program in Human Security is designed to train the current and next generations of leaders and experts who will actively participate in the areas of policy planning and regional communities at the international and domestic levels.
Both Japanese and international candidates, post-graduate students are considered for admission.
Applicants must demonstrate competence in either engineering, science, medical science, social and disaster sciences, and the potential for leadership in the field of Human Security.
Admission 2025 to "Human Security and Environment" Program
Guidance for the Entrance Examination on October 2025: Click here
Application period: December 16, 2024 - January 24, 2025
Examination date: February 7 - 20, 2025
For more detail