Graduate School of Environmental Studies



Jan. 04, 2023 Tohoku University Environmental Studies Seminar 2022 and MoA signing ceremony at ITB


Deans at the signing ceremony

Seminar at ITB

Deans and facutly members of FTSL and Tohoku GSES

Dean Kawada and IESLP alumni

Tohoku University Environmental Studies Seminar 2022 was successfully held at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) on December 13, followed by the signing ceremony for the extension of the MoA on the academic exchange agreement between our graduate school and the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FTSL).
During the two days at ITB on December 13 and 14, our dean and faculty representatives visited the Tohoku University Office in ITB, FTSL laboratories, the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FTMD), the Chemical Engineering study program, and the Faculty of Earth Science and Technology (FITB) to exchange their academic and research achievements.
Both faculty members had opportunities to discuss further academic exchange schemes, including the introduction of the International Environmental Security Leadership Program (IESLP), and agreed to expand a comprehensive multi-layered relationship based on the MoA.
Under the MoA, it is highly expected to continuously improve our international joint research and academic exchange with ITB.