Nine Students Completed the Basic Course
March 27, 2013
In the afternoon of March 27, following the graduation of the regular course students, the basic course participants held their own graduation ceremony. Eight students completed the program, of whom two have been accepted into the regular course from April. Not only their research field, but their nationality, age, culture and religion were all very diverse, and they all spent time together in the same program learning how to become a future environmental leader. We are expecting them to make good use of the experience they have accumulated.
Another student Zhaoqian JING has been a visiting research fellow in Tohoku University from February 2012 to January 2013. After finishing the basic course, he went back to China this January to become an Associate Professor at Nanjing Forestry University, China. In the graduation ceremony, Dr. Jing said that during his year staying in Japan he had many opportunities to experience and understand Japanese society and culture, as well as conducting his research. For his excellent performance, Dr. Jing was awarded the title of “Professional Leader for Sustainable Environment (PLSE)” of the Environmental Leadership Program.