- Q
- I am interested in collaborating with the GSES Summer School as a lecturer. Where can I get in touch?
- A
- Please reach out to the GSES directly, or if you have a counterpart within our graduate school, please be in touch with them for teaching opportunities at the Summer School. Generally, we ask lecturers to confirm their talk by May of the same year that the summer school is offered.
- Q
- I am a GP-RSS masters student. What credit can I count this towards?
- A
- You may register this summer school for Global Leadership I and II. Please note that starting in 2021, this practical will only be offered together once a year (1+1 credits) - students are advised to plan ahead early.
- Q
- I am a GP-RSS doctoral student. What credit can I count this towards?
- A
- All doctoral students are eligible to count this summer school towards 2 credits of their research residency.
- Q
- I am a Tohoku University graduate student wishing to participate in the Summer School, but do not belong to GSES, IESLP, or GP-RSS. Am I eligible, and are there additional steps to be aware of if I were to register?
- A
- The Summer School is open to all Tohoku University students. Please register early, and let us know which graduate school you are participating from. If you intend to register summer school credits for a course not affiliated with the GSES/IESLP/GP-RSS, you must inform us in advance, as negotiations are case-by-case. Please note that the summer school can not be counted towards pre-credit if you are intending to apply to The GP-RSS in the future.
- Q
- I am a student outside of Tohoku University. Can I participate?
- A
- The Summer School also extends its invitations to graduate students outside of Tohoku University. Please reach out to us early via the registration page, clearly indicating information regarding your university, graduate school, and supervising faculty, etc. We cannot guarantee accommodation, however, the Summer School can assist you with affordable lodging in Sendai.
If you are affiliated with the GP-RSS, please be in touch with the Office for details on participation, travel, and accommodation. If you are an invited student to the Summer School, please follow the guidance of your coordinating faculty as well as instructions from our Office.
Ⓒ 2021 Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University