

去る5月6日、環境リーダープログラム生対象の新年度オリエンテーションを実施しました。 この度の東日本大震災の影響で、予定が大幅に遅れ、残念ながら来日が間に合わなかった学生もおりましたが、 プログラム生・教員共々待ちに待った、新年度初めての行事でした。環境科学研究科長田路教授よりひとりひとり 編入許可書を授与され、学生の皆さんは、環境リーダーとしての第一歩を踏み出しました。

Greeting from the dean

First of all, I would like to say “congratulations” to all of you for joining the Environmental Leadership Program. And I want to apologize for the 1 month delayed start of this program due to the huge earthquake. Since our school was established in 2003, we hope to build up the education program to foster the elite students who will be able to manage and lead the environmental society and technology of the world. Last year, thanks to the continuing effort of Prof. Taniguchi, the previous dean of our school, and faculty members, we were able to start this Environmental Leader Program, “Strategic Energy and Resources Management and Sustainable Solutions”, supported by JST, the Japan Science and Technology Agency.

In this program, we plan to foster students as leaders in Asia and Africa who can manage the global environmental problems in the field of energy, resources and water. And our final goal of this program is to develop human resources which hold the key for solving future environmental issues in Asia and Africa. Therefore, all of you have to learn various skills such as international perspective, practical ability, management ability, strategic planning, and so on. Of course, all of you should be top-class researchers in your research field.

I think all of you have the makings of environmental leaders. Therefore, I believe that you will clear many barriers in the education curriculum and become environmental leaders in the end of this program. Finally, our school promises to help all of you in a variety of ways.